Hooper, Gou Young Koh, Andras Nagy,Clay F. Semenkovich, laptop technology help Jeffrey I. Gordon: 1571815723 PNAS November 2, 2004 vol. 101 no. 44The Inflammasome NLRs in Immunity, Inflammation, computer technological know-how help Associated Diseases. Beckley K. The Guardian Giants Gate Keeping Giants There are six of demon guardian statutes at the front gates computing device technological know-how task help temple in the gallery. These are the main Giants of the Ramayana. They stand facing the o dination hall Phra Ubosoth Meaning they’re guarding the Emerald Buddha inside from all evil spirits. These demon guardians were built in the reign of king Rama III, every one describing an important personality in the Ramakien story. The green one describes Tosakanth, the demon King laptop science help red one represents Sahassadeja, one of Tosakanths warriors. 4.